Monday, 14 February 2011

Happy Valentine Day and Weddings are Us!

My passion for wedding ceremonies began back in the days when I was a little girl. I have had the privilege to be the flower girl at an aunt's wedding. At the time I was only five years but old enough to let the Cathedral full of flower, the bride's beautiful dress, the admiring gaze in the eyes of the groom and the magical atmosphere mark my spirit for life. My mother remembers me being restless the night after the wedding reception and express my wish to attend a thousand weddings again! (*_*) 

I certainly would if it were possible but until it becomes possible [for me] I will keep dreaming about Love, happiness and great weddings... celebration of Love ,Commitment, and the Joy to have found the one, special and unique soul you were meant to be with...but also an excuse to drink excessively (>­_<) 

Weddings are Us!


  1. les mariages en costumes tradittionels sont tellements beaux! quelques soi le peuple ca ne laisse jamais indifferents! moi en tt cas! ;)
    jaime le thème de ton blog

  2. Nice collection!, if you want Ethiopian wedding and cultural handmade clothes visit
